July 15 Coup Attempt Yasin Naci Ağaroğlu

Yasin Naci Ağaroğlu

Yasin Naci Ağaroğlu, a senior law school student, who came to Ankara to take a single exam, from his family home in Antalya, was martyred by helicopter fire in front of the General Staff building on the night of July 15th. He was keeping up with the night’s events from his dormitory and went to the General Staff building to react to the coup. Betül Kardıçlı, his elder sister, worried about him during the events, she texted her brother and told him that the events were at a dangerous level and warned him to be careful. Yasin said that everyone was on the street, he had spoken to the police and the troubles were going to be resolved shortly. He texted his sister explaining that the soldiers had been taken down by people blocking the tanks, and asked his family for their prayers. However, shortly after that, his sister and he ceased to communicate. He was martyred after the fire the coup plotters opened from helicopters in front of the General Staff building.

“A Yasin Naci goes, a thousand comes”

Osman Ağaroğlu, who requested his son and all the citizens that died during the coup attempt on July 15th be referred to as a "homeland martyr", and "All hail our many martyrs who sacrificed their lives for our homeland, uniting our nation and for keeping our flag flying; they all were our children." Father Ağaroğlu said, “The funeral is not ours anymore, it belongs to the nation now. I present my gratitude to our nation. As Yasin Naci goes, comes a thousand.”

22-year-old Yasin was one of the high-scoring students at the university entrance exam. He was a senior at Ankara Law School, he planned to take the make-up exam to increase his average score. On the other hand, he was studying Theology at the open university. He graduated after being martyred and his diploma was delivered to his family.
The name Martyr Yasin Naci Ağaroğlu was given to an imam hatip high school in Korkuteli, Antalya and an imam hatip middle school in Ödemiş, İzmir.

Civilians built a ‘human wall’ around the General Staff headquarters
PLAY 00:03:15
Civilians built a ‘human wall’ around the General Staff headquarters
Yeni Şafak
Putschists wanting to seize the General Staff headquarters, staged a raid on the premises. As civilians poured down into the streets, they clashed with the on-duty soldiers and police officers. In order to thwart the people’s attempts to foil the coup, putschists rained bullets on the crowds from helicopters. Many citizens were martyred at the General Staff’s campus, where some of the longest and most intense clashes took place.

The General Staff Headquarters on July 15
The junta generals, realizing that their coup plans were exposed, initiated all stages of their coup attempt in the evening that they had initially planned for 3:00 a.m.

The junta generals, realizing that their coup plans were exposed, initiated all stages of their coup attempt in the evening that they had initially planned for 3:00 a.m.

Akar’s aide, Leven Türkkan, assistant aide Capt. Serdar and other armed soldiers from the Special Operations unit entered the room where Akar was being held.

Akar’s aide, Leven Türkkan, assistant aide Capt. Serdar and other armed soldiers from the Special Operations unit entered the room where Akar was being held.

The rooms where the Chief of General Staff, Akar and Deputy Chief of General Staff Yaşar Gürler were taken hostage.

The rooms where the Chief of General Staff, Akar and Deputy Chief of General Staff Yaşar Gürler were taken hostage.

The junta brought Salih Zeki Çolak.

The junta brought Salih Zeki Çolak.

Görüntülerde Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanı Orgeneral Salih Zeki Çolak, darbeci askerler tarafından yere yatırılarak elleri arkadan bağlandığı görüldü. Aynı görüntüde Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı Kurmay Başkanı Orgeneral İhsan Uyar (sol 2) da görülüyor.

Görüntülerde Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanı Orgeneral Salih Zeki Çolak, darbeci askerler tarafından yere yatırılarak elleri arkadan bağlandığı görüldü. Aynı görüntüde Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı Kurmay Başkanı Orgeneral İhsan Uyar (sol 2) da görülüyor.

Land Forces Commander Gen. Salih Zeki Çolak was laid on the ground and handcuffed. The same photo also shows the chief of staff of the Land Forces Command, Gen. İhsay Uyar.

Land Forces Commander Gen. Salih Zeki Çolak was laid on the ground and handcuffed. The same photo also shows the chief of staff of the Land Forces Command, Gen. İhsay Uyar.

Security camera records of how generals at the general staff were captured.

Security camera records of how generals at the general staff were captured.

Security camera records of the head of the General Staff Personnel Department, Lt. Gen. İlhan Talu accompanying coup soldiers.

Security camera records of the head of the General Staff Personnel Department, Lt. Gen. İlhan Talu accompanying coup soldiers.

Security camera records of the head of the General Staff Personnel Department, Lt. Gen. İlhan Talu accompanying coup soldiers.

Security camera records of the head of the General Staff Personnel Department, Lt. Gen. İlhan Talu accompanying coup soldiers.

Coup soldiers opened fire into the crowd that gathered in front of the General Staff Command.

Coup soldiers opened fire into the crowd that gathered in front of the General Staff Command.

Ambulances started arriving in front of the building.

Ambulances started arriving in front of the building.

Civilians waiting in front of the General Staff Command used an interesting method to diffuse the coup soldiers’ tanks.

Civilians waiting in front of the General Staff Command used an interesting method to diffuse the coup soldiers’ tanks.

They used the canvases folded on the tanks that were always on the move and covered the tanks with them, blocking their view. As a result, the tanks were neutralized.

They used the canvases folded on the tanks that were always on the move and covered the tanks with them, blocking their view. As a result, the tanks were neutralized.

Civilians soon opened the main gate to the General Staff Command and entered to chase the soldiers who opened fire to them.

Civilians soon opened the main gate to the General Staff Command and entered to chase the soldiers who opened fire to them.

Gun shots were heard from inside the General Staff Command and a helicopter started shooting the crowd outside.

Gun shots were heard from inside the General Staff Command and a helicopter started shooting the crowd outside.

F-16s under the control of coup pilots made low approach flights many times in front of the General Staff Command.

F-16s under the control of coup pilots made low approach flights many times in front of the General Staff Command.

Approximately 200 unarmed privates and noncommissioned officers leaving the General Staff Command surrendered to the police.

Approximately 200 unarmed privates and noncommissioned officers leaving the General Staff Command surrendered to the police.

Approximately 200 unarmed privates and noncommissioned officers leaving the General Staff Command surrendered to the police.

Approximately 200 unarmed privates and noncommissioned officers leaving the General Staff Command surrendered to the police.

Junior and commissioned officers who did not join the coup attempt and were held handcuffed inside the General Staff Command were discharged in the early hours of the morning.

Junior and commissioned officers who did not join the coup attempt and were held handcuffed inside the General Staff Command were discharged in the early hours of the morning.

The vicinity of the General Staff Command was cleared to get ready for the operations. Civilians and journalist were removed from the area.

The vicinity of the General Staff Command was cleared to get ready for the operations. Civilians and journalist were removed from the area.

Special Operations soldiers arrived at the location and then police forces entered the General Staff Command.

Special Operations soldiers arrived at the location and then police forces entered the General Staff Command.

The military vehicles the putschists had brought to the General Staff Command were returned to their rightful positions.

The military vehicles the putschists had brought to the General Staff Command were returned to their rightful positions.

Military vehicles seized and brought to the General Staff quarters by coup-plotter traitors were returned to their respective troops.

Military vehicles seized and brought to the General Staff quarters by coup-plotter traitors were returned to their respective troops.

The General Staff Headquarters on July 15
FETÖ soldiers raided the General Staff Command on the night of the coup attempt and took Chief of General Staff Gen. Hulusi Akar hostage. Tanks and helicopters then started firing into the crowd that had gathered around the quarters. Akar was rescued within the next few hours and brought to Çankaya Palace.