15 Temmuz Darbe Girişimi 5.15 Critical decision from the Supreme Board of Judges and Prosecutors
5.15 Critical decision by High Council of Judges and Prosecutors
ÖNEMLI GELIŞME The judiciary took action against Fetullah Terror Organization (FETÖ) members.
5.15 Critical decision by High Council of Judges and Prosecutors

The High Council of Judges and Prosecutors was convened to take the most severe precautions against judges and prosecutors who were members of the armed terror organization, FETÖ. Following the coup attempt in Istanbul and Ankara, the situation of judges and prosecutors who were determined to be members of FETÖ was discussed. After the coup attempt, the High Council of Judges and Prosecutors ended the judiciary recess and cancelled the leave of all judges and prosecutors around Turkey and summoned them to immediately start their duties.

FETÖ's judicial structure
FETÖ's judicial structure
Since the 1980’s, judicial institutions have become FETÖ’s most strategic targets of infiltration activities as it attempted to seize control over the government. Once within the judiciary, a member of FETÖ would mentor and assign judges and prosecutors, and during the 2000s, they would sign on a large number of operations.
GÖRÜŞLERİNİZ Tartışmaya katılın, bu bölüm ile ilgili yorumlarınızı ve fikrinizi belirtebilirsiniz
5.16 Reinforcement in the capital city
5.16 Reinforcement in the capital city

Due to the attacks by FETÖ-member soldiers in Ankara during the coup attempt, Special Operations police officers were transferred to the capital city from various provinces.

GÖRÜŞLERİNİZ Tartışmaya katılın, bu bölüm ile ilgili yorumlarınızı ve fikrinizi belirtebilirsiniz
5.17 AK Party’s statement about reinstatement of capital punishment
MUTLAKA GÖRMELI The reinstatement of capital punishment is high on the government’s agenda.
5.17 AK Party’s statement about reinstatement of capital punishment

AK Party Deputy Chairman and former Minister of Health Mehmet Müezzinoğlu told TVNET that they would address capital punishment for coup plotters. Some people had shouted slogans for the reinstatement of capital punishment during President Erdoğan’s speeches.

AK Party Deputy Chairman addresses the death penalty
OYNAT 00:02:46

AK Party Deputy Chairman addresses the death penalty

Kurgu: Celal Can Vatandaş Yeni Şafak
After the coup attempt was repelled, AK Party Deputy Chairman Mehmet Müezzinoğlu connected live with TVNET and said: “We will bring the death penalty to the table for putschists.”
GÖRÜŞLERİNİZ Tartışmaya katılın, bu bölüm ile ilgili yorumlarınızı ve fikrinizi belirtebilirsiniz
5.18 Statement by Parliamentary Speaker İsmail Kahraman
5.18 Statement by Parliamentary Speaker İsmail Kahraman

Parliamentary Speaker İsmail Kahraman announced that the number of people who was detained after the coup attempt reached 1,374.

He also said that the chairmen of three parties would make speeches at the General Assembly of Parliament.

GÖRÜŞLERİNİZ Tartışmaya katılın, bu bölüm ile ilgili yorumlarınızı ve fikrinizi belirtebilirsiniz
5.19 Operation on putschist soldiers
5.19 Operation on putschist soldiers

The police launched an operation on the Kuleli Military High School in Çengelköy. A total of 80 students from the high school were detained on charges of getting involved in the coup attempt.

Nearly 200 non-combatants went out of the seized General Staff Headquarters and surrendered to police. A total of 1,563 people was detained around Turkey on charges of being FETÖ members.

Operation on the Kuleli Military High School
OYNAT 00:01:41

Operation on the Kuleli Military High School

Kurgu: Celal Can Vatandaş Yeni Şafak
Putschists raided a café in Çengelköy and took those in it hostage as they tried to occupy Çengelköy Police Station on the night of the coup attempt. Putschists clashed with the police and civilians, and martyred 15 people. An operation was conducted on the Kuleli Military High School and 80 putschists were taken into custody on the morning of July 16.
GÖRÜŞLERİNİZ Tartışmaya katılın, bu bölüm ile ilgili yorumlarınızı ve fikrinizi belirtebilirsiniz
5.20 Legal process launched against FETÖ members on charges of treason
ÖNEMLI GELIŞME FETÖ members will be judged for treason.
5.20 Legal process launched against FETÖ members on charges of treason

The legal action was initiated against Former Chief of the Air Staff and Supreme Military Council Member General Akın Öztürk and Land Forces Training and Doctrine Command Combat and Support Training Commander Lieutenant General Metin İyidil, who were among coup plotters, on charges of treason.

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