We support Turkish army’s entry into Manbij: northern Syria locals

Ersin Çelik
14:2228/06/2018, Thursday
U: 28/06/2018, Thursday
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Local tribes call on Turkish military to purge region of YPG/PKK terrorist group

Arab tribes in Syria's northern Jarabulus district, which was liberated last year by Turkey’s Operation Euphrates Shield, have voiced support for Turkish efforts to purge the entire region of the YPG/PKK terrorist presence.

In a joint statement issued Thursday, they said: “Just as Turkey drove the Daesh terrorist group from Operation Euphrates Shield’s area-of-operations and provided the local people with stability, we support the [Turkish army’s] entry into Manbij.”

“The people of Manbij look forward to enjoying better living conditions and liberation from the YPG/PYD terror group,” the statement added.

The tribes go on to note that the region’s Arab, Turkmen, Kurdish and Circassian inhabitants had “lived in peace” before YPG/PKK terrorists established a foothold in the area.

Backed by the U.S, the YPG/PKK terrorist group occupied Aleppo's Manbij district in August of 2016 on the pretext that it was fighting Daesh.

Earlier this month, a roadmap for securing the region was unveiled following a June 4 meeting in Washington between Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Cavuşoğlu and U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

The deal explicitly calls for the immediate withdrawal of the PKK-linked YPG terrorist group from Manbij.

On Sunday, the Turkish General Staff announced that the Turkish and U.S. militaries had -- in line with the roadmap -- conducted separate patrols in the zone between Operation Euphrates Shield’s area-of-operations and Manbij.

In its more than 30-year terror campaign against Turkey, the PKK has claimed some 40,000 lives, including those of numerous women and children. The YPG/PKK is the group’s Syrian affiliate.

Ankara says that the presence of terrorist groups near its border constitutes a clear and present danger and remains engaged in military operations aimed at purging the region of the terrorist presence.

*Ali Murat Alhas contributed to this report from Ankara


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