Pennsylvania residents irked by FETÖ presence

Ersin Çelik
13:537/07/2018, Cumartesi
U: 7/07/2018, Cumartesi
Locals in Pennsylvania's Saylorsburg village voice concern over FETÖ leader Gülen's hideout in US
Locals in Pennsylvania's Saylorsburg village voice concern over FETÖ leader Gülen's hideout in US

Locals in Pennsylvania's Saylorsburg village voice concern over FETÖ leader Gülen's hideout in US

Pennsylvania locals living near the complex of U.S.-based leader of FETÖ, the group behind the 2016 defeated coup in Turkey, have spoken of their unease at the terror group’s obscure activities and secluded living in America.

Fetullah Gulen, leader of the Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETO) and a fugitive from Turkish justice, has lived in the U.S. for decades.

Since 1999, Gulen resides in a secluded mansion complex named the “Golden Generation camp” at Pennslyvania’s Saylorsburg village.

Speaking to Anadolu Agency, David Bonser, a 72-year-old owner of the local Kostonbador farm, said local authorities are applying “double-standards”, and added that: “Without a permit, they do whatever they want.”

Bonser also said he attempted to take a look at the complex and said he noticed that armed men were protecting the property. “There is something going on in there but I don’t know it,” he added.

About Gulen’s terror links and his attempt to overthrow the legitimate government in Turkey, Bonser said: “I’m very concerned about having a possible neighbor which is quarter a mile away and possibly be a world terrorist leader. I can’t prove it but it’s been in the news all the time.”

John Favere, a resident of nearby Wind Gap, also expressed concerns over FETO and its defeated coup of 2016. “My concern is what happened in Turkey, when the coup took place. What is his objective in this country?

"How long will it take or if it ever takes place, will he do the same thing to the United States as he did to his country Turkey.

“FETO is taking control over the town through properties on a very frequent basis. And here’s the main point: What is he [referring to Gulen] doing to America and its politicians, how does he pay them? Where is this money coming from to control our government?”

Favere said other residents in the town are also concerned about Gulen and his group FETÖ.

In July 2016, FETÖ and Gulen orchestrated a defeated coup in Turkey which left 251 people martyred and nearly 2,200 injured.

Since the coup bid, Turkey has sought Gulen's extradition from the U.S., and complained that the U.S. is not moving fast enough on its request.

Ankara also accuses FETÖ of being behind a long-running campaign to overthrow the state through the infiltration of Turkish institutions, particularly the military, police and judiciary.

FETÖ also has a considerable presence outside Turkey, including private educational institutions that serve as a revenue stream for the terrorist group, including in the U.S.

#Fetullah Gulen
#Fetullah Terrorist Organization

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