
Türkiye, US have always maintained communications: Senior Turkish diplomat

Two NATO allies have disagreements, but communication channels never 'went away,' deputy foreign minister says

10:34 - 10/05/2024 Friday
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Türkiye's deputy foreign minister stressed the enduring nature of communication between Türkiye and the US, saying the two allies have been in constant talks.

Speaking at a panel Thursday on the sidelines of the 39th American-Turkish Conference in Washington, D.C., Burak Akcapar said he is "very much uplifted" by the positive atmosphere at the event.

While noting that the two NATO allies have always been cooperating and consulting with each other, Akcapar said they also have issues that they disagree on.

"But communications on all these channels have never went away," he added.

He said the "renewed energy" in the conference hall is also reflected in the respective institutions of both countries.

"We are the two largest armed forces in NATO," he said when explaining the nature of relations between Türkiye and the US.

Speaking at the same panel, US Acting Under Secretary for Political Affairs John Bass said Türkiye and the US are on the "cusp of a new phase" in their relationship, adding that it starts with a return to "fundamentals," including "collective defense.”

Bass said the two countries are also in discussions to explore new opportunities in areas including trade, the economy and climate.

He said the two NATO allies can also work together to address regional challenges and praised Türkiye's "important role" in the first two years of the Russian war in Ukraine.

"Türkiye will have a very important role to play as we work to bring this conflict to a close," Bass said.​​​​​​​

In response to a question on a potential meeting between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and US President Joe Biden, Bass said Washington is looking forward to hosting Erdogan for the upcoming NATO summit in the US capital in July.

#Burak Akcapar
#John Bass
#Speaking at a panel on the sidelines of the
24 days ago