
Kremlin says West's reaction to Putin's peace proposal on Ukraine 'unconstructive'

- Spokesman Dmitry Peskov says comments on Russia's peace offer 'huge in number' but 'unconstructive'

17:29 - 15/06/2024 Saturday
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Kremlin on Saturday called "unconstructive" the reaction from the Western capitals to a peace proposal by Russian President Vladimir Putin on Ukraine.

In an interview with the Russian state news agency TASS, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov noted that there were a lot of comments from the West regarding Putin's initiative, however, mostly "unconstructive."

"A huge number (of comments). Official reactions, official statements. Of an unconstructive nature," he asserted.

Putin on Friday offered Ukraine a peace on four conditions -- Ukraine to withdraw its troops from Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions, agree with Russia's territorial gains, confirm its neutral status, and cancellation of all anti-Russian sanctions by the West.

Both Ukraine and the West rejected the proposal as "unrealistic."

#Dmitry Peskov
#Vladimir Putin
6 days ago