Post-Sweden economy...

It could have been preferable to first see the November US elections unfold, but Sweden's NATO membership issue was not delayed any further and was brought to the Parliament's agenda, resulting in a decision. Sweden's membership was accepted.

For a long time, I have discussed in my column the various potential economic impacts that could arise depending on whether the Parliament's decision on this matter would be positive or negative. In my previous articles, I have also mentioned that Orthodox policy tends to lean towards a Western or, in other words, NATO-aligned stance. After the general elections, Türkiye adopted an economic policy aimed at securing capital inflow from the West. Thus, the government had signaled that it would not reject Sweden's NATO membership.

Now, it can be said that the Parliament's approval of Sweden's membership aligns with the economic management's plan. The positive outcome of the Parliament's decision was one of the main elements of the strategy adopted by the economic management to combat inflation.

Otherwise, the consequences of policy steps would have been more detrimental than beneficial. Developing Türkiye's NATO relations and the contribution of the conjuncture awaited by the economic management are the main drivers behind this decision. In fact, I can support this thought with data:

The fact that Sweden's NATO membership coincides with a week when the Central Bank has previously indicated that the interest rate hike cycle is coming to an end is probably not a coincidence.

During this week, when the economic management has completed half of its strategy focusing on domestic factors, it simultaneously shifted the focus of the other half, which relies on the conjuncture, to the center of capital.

With the correct analysis of the situation by domestic market players and their reactions, an upward trend began in Borsa Istanbul. Achieving target index values ​​with foreign inflows is now possible.

It was observed that the language of foreign analysts' reports changed in a completely opposite direction. Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, and others were perplexed about how to praise the Turkish economy.

Soon, statements from rating agencies seeking forgiveness and decisions to upgrade credit ratings are expected.

Exiting the gray list, updating the Customs Union Agreement, revisiting increased taxes on sectors such as iron and steel with the US, and the closure of the Halkbank case are some steps that can now be expected to follow in quick succession. They should be expected. Türkiye is being wronged. Otherwise, the US will not find a new opportunity to repair its relations with Türkiye. While Türkiye no longer has any concern about repairing its relations on its own behalf... When it has taken its last step... While the US, the source of instability in Türkiye's region with the terrorist elements it has nurtured and grown...

Habil Uzayda, Kabiller Kin Kusuyor

In Christopher Nolan's cult film Interstellar, translated into Turkish as "Yıldızlararası," the issue of Cain and Abel is brought to space.

On a planet on the other side of a black hole, Dr. Mann prepares to welcome a visitor from the deceived world. But when they arrive, he has already planned to kill them.

Finally, Cooper and his friends arrive.

And the first murder on this inhospitable new planet is committed. But Cooper is not the one who gets killed. Although he intends to kill Cooper, he manages to survive. Physicist Romilly, a member of the astronaut team, falls victim to Dr. Mann's planned assassination. Habil is Romilly.

And who could have known that one day the Turks would lynch their astronauts in space. They will lay down Alper Gezeravcı, our rightful Turk in space, as a tourist.

A tourist is someone who passes through and belongs to a place where they do not belong. Space is not someone else's; it's ours... The more it belongs to someone else, the more it belongs to us.

Seeing a Turkish tourist in space is the same as seeing a tourist in Malazgirt or Istanbul. I am not exaggerating. There is no shortage, only abundance.

The Kabil's of the Turkish society, in Aselsan, in drones, in other opportunities they find, have become accustomed, but now the Turks demand a century and will no longer sacrifice their Habil's to the Kabils.

8 months ago
Post-Sweden economy...
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