Is World War III about to break out?

The most striking question in recent years is whether the "third world war will break out." There is also a version of this question as "has the third world war broken out."

For some, there is no doubt about whether it will happen or not; it's just a matter of when it will start. Since no one has yet asked the question, "when will the third world war end?" we cannot assume that the war has begun. However, as tensions continue to escalate, it is necessary to provide an answer to the lingering question that will enhance predictions and enrich perspectives.

Wars have been waged for various purposes, including economic objectives, since the earliest days of humanity. Wars whose sole purpose is economic gain are referred to as world wars. Each world war is essentially a war of redistribution. Let's start with the First World War...

Humanity encountered capitalist thinking before the First World War. Capitalism made mass production possible at the expense of others. Mass production required consumers. To expand the consumer base, it was necessary to expand the middle-income group. Empires, which had previously succeeded in creating a wider middle-income group compared to feudalism, were no longer sufficient. There was a need for an exchange between empires and republics.

Moreover, these empires possessed newly discovered elements, newly defined commodities, valuable trade products, and indispensable energy resources. They had to be either annexed, colonized, or fragmented and ruled. Whichever works...

When Germans made progress that surpassed England's during the Industrial Revolution, they devised strategies to get a share of these energy fields. Needless to say, it is unnecessary for me to mention that this also involves understanding the Ottoman and Turkish territories. They had plans for Baku, where the first major oil fields were discovered. With seemingly peaceful infrastructure investments, they aimed to have a say in the Mosul and Kirkuk basin. Of course, Britain knew what it needed to do.

Thus, a war broke out to divide the Ottoman Empire. The German strategy did not work. The British achieved their goals. The Ottoman Empire was plundered. All its riches were shared.

And if a summary is needed, the First World War was a war of plundering the Ottoman Empire and realizing the republican ideal of capitalism worldwide.

Then the Germans regrouped. They couldn't resist using the advantage provided by their technology and technical progress. After their operations in the region, they set their sights on Russia's energy assets. Throughout most of the Second World War, they expanded the territory they constantly controlled. When they reached the energy, their progress was stopped.

In short, the aim of the Second World War was to plunder Russia. Not just energy, of course. Minerals, forests, lands, grains, and everything else...

Just like those who came out of the Ottoman Empire...

However, the business of plundering Russia, which really whetted their appetite, couldn't be accomplished; it was postponed for the future.

If there are still two important geographies in the world with the potential for plunder, one is Russian, and the other is American geography.

If there will be no new continent to be discovered in the world, no place to exploit in space, these geographies, which are still virgin, will eventually be plundered.

Or let me put it this way; the goals of states today cannot be met with their own assets alone. (In fact, for dreams related to space, very large amounts of material need to be transported from Earth.) They also need the assets of others, and most of those who demand are not peaceful.

In this case, plunder is inevitable. And plunder means world war.

In light of this analysis, if there were to be a third world war, it would be over sharing, or rather, plundering Russia. If the US can achieve this, it will prolong its lifespan.

No matter how long it prolongs, ultimately, the fourth world war will also arise to share America.

So, the answer to the question of whether the third world war will break out is this: if you think Russia can be shared, it will; if not, it won't.

Wars may break out in the coming years. These wars may have a broad scope. However, if Russia is not on the table, these wars will not be referred to as world wars. They will not be named.

In short, what is called a world war is waged for great loot.

If a third world war breaks out, it should not be forgotten that many strategic autonomies will emerge worldwide. Because almost no country will be able to ensure its own security and will not be able to find support from powers like Russia. Now consider the importance of Türkiye's security investments.

#World War III
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